Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Do you know you're awesome?

When I type, the sound of the keys clicking on my keyboard take me back to my fifth grade self when I was just leaning to find the home keys and to teach my fingers to reach for the letters beyond them to form words, sentences, and paragraphs. I remember thinking my fingers would never find their way on their own; I would always have to consciously locate the keys I searched for. And then one day, without me even really realizing it, my fingers didn't need any help from me to take individual letters on a keyboard and form them into a coherent form of communication.

My senior year of high school, my best friend told me that her mom typed up all of her dad's papers in college and that he still used two fingers to type on a keyboard. I remember being baffled at the idea of your fingers not knowing how to navigate these little boxed letters.

It's funny how easily we forget where we've come from, and just how far the coming has taken us. It's so easy to look at who we are right now and be disappointed with the girl in the mirror. And yet, 12 years ago I was still looking at the keyboard to type, and typing so slowly that it was not beneficial in the slightest to type something as opposed to just writing it down. If my typing has improved significantly over time, would it not be obvious to believe that other aspects of who I am have come that far as well - maybe even farther.

I am so content with who I am. I have so many things that I am working on every day, so many areas of my life that are so far from nearing perfection. I'm happy though. And happiness at some point trumps all the little things in life that need a little tweaking (or a lot...). I have come a long way from where I used to be.

My little sister pointed out the other day that anyone who knows me knows that I know that I am awesome. I thought about it, and she's right. I say that I am awesome almost every single day of my life. It is the reason for every good thing and every stupid thing that I do. I am awesome - fundamentally, at the core; I am awesome.

Knowing that I am awesome and thinking about how everyone else tends to know that I know that piece of information makes me wonder how many other people in the world truly know that they are awesome. Does it change them? I am awesome, and it changes me. When I'm feeling discouraged or disheartened, at some point I seriously stop myself and think, "but I am awesome." Are there other people in the world who do the same thing?

I would venture that even if there are a few of those people in this world aside from me, there could stand to be a few more. So when you're done reading this post, pause your life for a moment and think of at least ten legitimate reason why you are awesome - fundamentally, at the core - because I bet you are...

Goodnight, dear void.

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