It has been entirely too long since I invested some loving in the void space that is my blog.
I just found some posts I printed out for one of my missionaries from back in August and was sad that I have neglected sharing my thoughts as of late. I have been so caught up in my own life and in feeling sorry for myself that I have committed a grievous sin-blog neglect.
My dear friend, Sarah, once warned me of this sin and admonished me never commit such a crime by losing sight of my blogging duties. I'm sorry to say that I have not heeded her advice and in doing so have let my thoughts go to the wayside and my soul to go unexpressed. What a waste!
I am here to rectify this situation and to repent!!
I moved into my parent's summer condo this past fall and just barely got around to decorating my room yesterday - a bit pathetic to have let it go so long but hey a much need up-do is a much needed up-do no matter how long it's been needed...
As I began making a giant collage on my wall I noticed myself dividing my life into several pieces and clumping memories from those pieces together to form definitive phases or sections in my life.
For instance, there was a section for Illinois and memories and people from that time in my life, a section for Hong Kong, a section for the Corner House and associated years, and a section for my boys and different walls for my family and Jenni.
My boys are in the middle taking up a large portion of space. They are a giant part of my life as I write to at least one of them (if not more or all of them) once a week and have written them fairly consistently for almost 2 years now. Hong Kong to their left and Illinois to their right. Which leaves the far right for the Corner House.
On an entirely different wall (next to my bed) is the space for my family and the wall across from my bed for Jenni.
As I thought about it I wondered what Freud would say. Laughing at this thought and chucking at the overlap between my personal and academic lives these days I realized that the collage I had made absentmindedly was actually an almost perfect representation of me. I seldom enjoy when my lives overlap or mix. For the most part I enjoy their separateness-me being the only link between them all.
However, as in real life, there are a few overlaps which strangely enough are represented in the collage.
All of my boys are from Hong Kong (represented by their space following the space for Hong Kong) except one - Jordan Johnson who is from my Illinois life which flows and overlaps slightly with my boys' section.
Jenni existed in the Corner House from time to time and consequently has a few pieces in that section. Along with Kaylee who was there for a year with me as well. That section is almost entirely separate from anything else. Hardly touching Illinois if it touches at all. True enough in reality as the Corner House world has no significant overlap into other parts of my life- people sometimes overlapped into it but not the other way around.
Jenni and my family are the most important parts of my life at this moment and clearly show themselves to be so as they demanded in my subconscious to have their own walls-allowing them to overlap somewhat in the overall collage but also allowing for the space they truly hold in my life.
It will be interesting to see how this collage continues to grow and take shape. I wonder if it will continue to show the inner workings of me and my life in a practical manner.
If not, it was at least an interesting exercise in Freudian theory.
Goodnight, dear void.
Very nice.
ReplyDeleteI mostly enjoy how I'm a part of almost every section of your wall, apart from, of course, the Boy Section (as I am not a boy, dang it! :) JK I LOVE being a mom). (I may or may not have been semi-quoting from a movie in this paragraph. 10 points if you get it...)
Anyway. I'm excited to see your collages and I hope all is well.
She's the Man?
ReplyDeleteMy world has been shattered.
YES! You win! It IS She's the Man!
ReplyDeleteI just watched that, you know...
I'm excited to see the wall. I will be sorely disappointed if there is not at least one picture of me!