Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Its irresponsible to go without blogging for as long as you have..."

My dear roommate and friend, Sarah informed me that I've been irresponsible in my blogging habbits and that she was very disappointed and wanted to see improvement immediately. So, Sarah, this if for you.
I'm not gonna lie, I've thought about blogging many, many times this week. But everytime I just didn't feel like I had anything pertinant, funny, interesting, or even lovely to say.
This week has been filled with change and growth, neither of which have been very fun or welcomed. But nevertheless, they've come.
Why does life have to keep changing? Why, when it rains, does it pour? Why does life just have to be hard sometimes, for no reason at all? [Remember the Titans] Why do people have to tell you things you already know in order for you to really understand that they are true? Why do people always want other people to be happy all the time? Why is it so wrong to be sad sometimes? Why don't people cry more in hopes of finding a smile deep down underneath the tears?
I'm grateful its Sunday. Sunday is the hope of the week. Without Sunday my week wouldn't function in the same way. It allows me to refocus and see again, that life has a purpose and a meaning. My life means something. If to no one else, to God. He knows me and what I'm going through. He knows when I'm only smiling because I don't know what else to do. I couldn't be more grateful for that than I am today. When all words fail, He knows.
I'm grateful for change. Without it I would be happy all the time. And I would never have the opotunity to have my heart ache. Its a necessary part of life. One I'm not always such a fan of originally but one I've never regretted when I've looked back over the course of my life.
I'm grateful for grad school. Had you asked me if I was grateful for this, even thirty minutes ago, I would have (very strongly and clearly) said that I hated grad school. But I don't hate grad school. I'm grateful for grad school. The end. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Haha.
This is not exactly what I had planned on writing this morning but I suppose its just what needed to be said. Life does not always go the way I want it to, or the way I sometimes think it should. And sometimes its still makes me sad that life has to be the way that it is. But for now, I have the hope that the future will bring more than I ever could have expected, as a direct result of the way things are now.


  1. "People always say that change is a good thing, but what it really means is that something that you didn't want to happen, has happened."

    I don’t wanna be the first to let it go
    But I know, I know, I know
    If you have the last hands that I want to hold
    Then I know, I’ve got to let them go

    Kumbaya, baby. Kumbaya.

    I love you.

  2. Well, if there is anyone that is going to make it through this, its you! Youre stonger than most. Just be patient. Love you!
